Thursday, December 10, 2009

Was this really offending??

K well me and my friends got late onto this bus for a field trip and there was only one open seat left for me. And when i saw who i was sitting next too i was like oh **** damn it i don't want too sit here. THe girl i liked was sitting across from the seat i was about too take and she heard me say all that stuff and saw me looking really depresed. And she was like theres open seats up there and i was like really! thank you so much. But when i got there a teacher sat down and i had too go back. ANd when i went back to that seat i put my head down and seemed really upset and all of a sudden she picks up her stuff and walks forward too trade seats with her friend. Oh and she knows i like her. did i offend her?

i didn't want to sit next too that kid i was going too have too sit next too. and i asked her and my friend who was worse a teacher or him and they both said that kid.

Was this really offending??comedy show

Yeah you were acting stupid. You should have just sat down like it was no big deal. Man up. Don't be a whiney wuss.

Was this really offending??greek theater opera theater

Ok you probally didn't offend her...she may have been disgusted that you made such a big deal over sitting next to someone. She probaly would rather sit near a nice person instead of an immature one.
Was this a kindergarten field trip?

You are so inmature.

Grow up. You would have sat beside that person for what forty minutes or an hour. You were not getting married.


ask her. honestly i think she just wanted to get up and move. it probably didnt have anything to do with you:P
just grow up and explain what you really meant by what you said
i'm confused. Which girl do you think got offended. The girl across the from you or the person you had to sit by?

please answer my question;...
Yeah, you were rude. You probably should have not said aloud that you didn't want to sit near that person. The other girl was trying to make the situation better. Anyway, so the person in the seat moved away cuz her feelings got hurt by you.

Anyway, the way to undo all of this is to buy something small for the person that you hurt (like a keychain with her name on in since you like her or some candy she likes or whatever) and tell her you are really sorry that you hurt her feelings and did not mean it.
You acted like an ugly person and she did the right thing by getting up and walking away from you. Did you for one minute consider the feelings of the person that you were putting down? Sounds like the girl you like is a far better person than you are!

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