Thursday, December 10, 2009

I have strabismius and i had my eyes tested late september?

i just turned 14, i have had strabismius ever since i was a baby. i had my eyes tested in late september and was told my left eye was slightly shortsighted and right slightly longsighted but they said they wouldnt normally presribed glasses for that. my right eye turns out. vision in my left seems to be getting worse for long distance. school has just finished for the year and im wondering if i should have them tested before school starts again in february. i will be sitting a science exam next year so ill need to be able to see the board clearly. this sound sreally trivial but plaese tell me what you think. i also get headaches most of the time at the end of the school day.

I have strabismius and i had my eyes tested late september?city opera

I have strabismis as well. I also have different perscriptions for each eye but they can fit you with a pair of glasses for you, i mean I can. Maybe you should get a second opinon, or go back again like you said because my eyes change rapidly.

I am 14. Hope I helped.



I have strabismius and i had my eyes tested late september?performing shows opera theater

Strabismus has a huge impact on academic performance, specifically, reading speed and reading comprehension. People with strabismus have to work harder than other people to remember what is read and may find they have to re-read the text or read slowly to get the meaning from what they are reading. Vision therapy, a program of vision exercises that train the eyes and the brain, is the treatment needed for clear vision and to straighten the eyes. For more information on vision therapy and strabismus go to this web site . There is a doctor referral on this site also so you can find a qualified doctor in your area. To understand what you are missing by having strabismus you can also read an article that was aired on NPR (National Public Radio) called "Sue's First Snowfall". It describes how Sue saw things before she had vision therapy and after she had vision therapy. Google NPR to find the website and put "Sue's First Snowfall" into the search to find the article. I recommend you do a program of vision therapy as soon as you can. It will greatly affect your performance on all tests

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