Thursday, December 10, 2009

Have been having preg symptons including L.side pain,late for a day then came the next day very heav

i have been having preg symptons like backache,stomach cramps,light headache,L side pain,shoulder pain,tiredness,sensetive breast and high temperature,late for a day took a preg taste came back negative period came next day very heavy could it be possible that i misscarried.first day period was 27/11/06 and lasted for five days and next period was 28/12/06 please help me i am not a regular person,also i am 14stone what are my chances of getting pregnant and how much weight do i have to loose i am desparate for a baby and have been trying for two months.please

Have been having preg symptons including L.side pain,late for a day then came the next day very heavy ,worriedconcerts

You may have had a chemical pregnancy, but that is not a miscarriage and doesn't involve the physical trauma. You may also have had a mild flu.

I'm not sure it is especially helpful for you to speculate.

I think what you need to focus on is your own health and well being, rather than your weight. Have you quit smoking, if you were smoking before? Are you taking pre-natal vitamins? Are you eating five servings of fruit and veg a day? Have you eliminated ready-made, processed foods?

These are some things you can start doing, but even then, you don't have to be perfect to have a baby. Improved health benefits you and everyone around you for the rest of your life.

Trying to conceive and desperately wanting a child are stressful events because we aren't in complete control. Still, the process involves a very powerful lesson: patience. You will need patience every day of your pregnancy, throughout the birth and every day that you are a parent for the rest of your life. This is a stage in your learning. This is part of your path to learning emotional control so that you can care for another person whose life will be more important to you than your own.

It is a hard journey, but you will make it. I hope you find some peace along the way.

I wish you all the best for a happy, healthy pregnancy and a lovely, healthy baby in 2007.

Have been having preg symptons including L.side pain,late for a day then came the next day very heavy ,worriedheadache opera theater

No you probably didnt miscarry although there is a small chance that that happened. If you are overweight your chances of concieving are lessened plus you have more chance of complications to both you and baby. If you are of average height then you need to lose about 3 or 4 stones.
I dont think you were pregnant....symptons before period are pretty much the same....

Two months trying is too early to get worried about not getting pregnant.Just put it out of your mind.....and see what happens then.

Good luck in 2007...lets hope its a good year for you.
Go to your dr's office. Or go to a free clinic. Why are you 14 and getting into situations where this happens???? Sorry...just concerned....
syptoms are of prgnacy are the same as period also if ur worryin ur period would be late
It could be pregnancy symptoms or it could be the weight. You could be pregnant as a test can be wrong when it comes up negative (but can not be wrong for positive) have you been to see you GP as these symptoms are also connected with the std chlamydia. anything you discuss with your GP is confidently and another question to you why are you so desperate for a child is it because you are in a loving relationship and what the next step or is it to fill a gap if the answer is the second then children do not fill gaps they are hard work and you have them for at lest 16 years a very big commitment i know i have 2.

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