Thursday, December 10, 2009

Have you ever heard of a woman being 10 days late on her period with a negative HPT and actually pre

We've been TTC for 3.5 months now and now im 10 days late. The HPT still shows negative, but I have heard of women that dont show positiive for 2-6 weeks after a missed period. Have you ever heard of this!? (im getting a blood test soon) But we are really hopping im pregnant!

Have you ever heard of a woman being 10 days late on her period with a negative HPT and actually pregnant!!?globe theater

yes me. My second pregnancy It took 17 days late to have a positive reading. Good luck on being pregnant. We are desperatly trying to concieve right now and so far no luck but God bless you in being or getting pregnant.

Have you ever heard of a woman being 10 days late on her period with a negative HPT and actually pregnant!!?oper opera theater

I have heard that the home ones aren't as effective as blood tests. I think it's posible.
No, 10 days is adiquate time. If neg. you are not.
There is a very good possible chance that you could be pregnant. My sister was almost two weeks late and she took a HPT and it was negative. She waited a couple more days and took a second but it was negative too, so she had a blood test done and sure enough she was pregnant. HPTs aren't always 100% right. So keep up your hopes and good luck!
Yes, first time is was pregnant it took me 5 tests over 4 weeks to get a positive.
Yep, me. My son fooled us by not only showing negative but I didn't miss the first period either -not at all uncommon or a problem, just a pain for determining due date.

Don't get your hopes up, it could go either way. If you don't mind, I'll send along prayers that you get good news. I also recommend finding a midwife. They are much better at nutrition advice and most have no problems assisting just with pregnancy care right along with your doctor.

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