Thursday, December 10, 2009

Best reasons to tell your supervisor if you are late to work?

What is the best reasons to tell and convince your supervisor if you are late to work without getting any nagging from them.

Best reasons to tell your supervisor if you are late to work?passions soap opera

flat tire.....traffic

Best reasons to tell your supervisor if you are late to work?mr messed up opera theater

Traffic problems
Hemorrhoids are acting up.
apologize once dont go into elaborate discussions or lavish apologies over it and cause undue attention to the fact you were late . If you have an easy answer that is true say it quickly like "traffic" whatever just dont call attention to it. Try not to make it up as your demeanor changes when you lie. Move on quickly to do your work and strive to be ontime and stay late every now and then to show dedication if needed
You have diarrhea.
You know, even if you get nagged and don't like it, the truth is always best.

Try the truth! It will help you grow up. YOU will be better off in the long run!
If they ask, be honest. Ultimately just apologize and try not to make a habit of it. The less said the better though. Because even if you're telling the truth, if it sounds like an excuse then it might as well be one.

Most importantly though, your supervisor is well within his/her rights to 'nag' you for being late. especially if you're late fairly often. punctuality is crucial to a supervisor, because it reflects poorly on them and can really affect your co-workers and the company as well. Think about it from their perspective.
If you was really late for a reason give it. If you were late because you hit the snooze button one too many times that's your own fault. I worked at one job for 7 years and was late once because I forgot to set the alarm, and I told my boss that. I got up called her told her I would be a little late, why, and was 15 mins late. She did not hold it against me because I normally was never late. Another time we had a big rainstorm and the way I went to work was flooded and I had to backtrack and go around another way, I was 5 mins late. And power went off one night and my alarm did not have a battery backup, but the next day I went and bought one so that could never happen again. It is your responsibility to get there on time, if your having problems than get up a little earlier, get your stuff ready for work out before you go to bed, have your lunch already made, clothes laid out, car keys and purse on a table by the door.
apologize and tell him the truth you late for sure he understand

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