Saturday, December 5, 2009

Are employees entitled to a day's wages for each day an employer is late with a check?

I worked about 12 hours of OT at my job (I work at an office and was employed by a temp agency), but each check I received since then only reflected my normal wages, and did not even display the OT I worked. A co-worker of mine said that each day they are late getting me that pay, I am entitled to a full day's pay. Is this true?

Are employees entitled to a day's wages for each day an employer is late with a check?met opera

Where did you get that nonsense. Temp employers typically will cheat you out of any overtime pay... but there is no LAW about a day's pay.

Are employees entitled to a day's wages for each day an employer is late with a check?movie theatre opera theater

when pigs fly!
You should, but no, there is no law to that effect.
No, that is untrue. If your employer has difficulty paying you ontime, then that's a good sign you need to start looking for another employer !

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