Thursday, December 10, 2009

How do I start my marine biology career so late out of college?

I have a degree in Marine Biology. I graduated in 2004 from a great school but due to personal reasons, I had to put off my career in this field. I have not lost the passion for this and things in my life are getting to the point where I could finally begin to pursue my career. What can do so late out of college to begin? I feel like it's been too long since I've been in school, in labs, etc. Is there any hope?

How do I start my marine biology career so late out of college?lyric opera

You'll probably need to get an internship to get your start back into this career field. And of course there is hope! I also put my degree off, and evenutally got back into it. I was honest with my employer. Just tell them you are passionate about marine biology, but had to deal with some personal things for the past couple of years. They'll understand. Take care.

How do I start my marine biology career so late out of college?imax theater opera theater

try to apply for for the job as a marine biologist or any related job and visit any marine sites where you will become familiar in that environment and try to talk to the people on that field and any senior staff this will cultivate your interest and renew your passion


What are some reasons why your period might be late?

I know the obvious one, but no I dont have sex. so thats not an option. It annoys me how my periods come %26amp; go. %26amp; I think because I stress over it I put it off for ever longer... I start imagining things like that I got druged %26amp; raped or something ( I know its extreme) but I dont really have a full on aspect of what sex is ( ive never had it). I guess I would know if I got raped right? but getting pregnant is one of my biggest fears ( im 17) which is probably why I dont sleep with anybody ( not yet)/.

Am I crazy? what are some ways I could stop my self from worrying.

by the way last time I was worried like that my period was almost a month late...

but i KNOW im not pregnant, so why do I still worry? I mean its not like I get drunk off my face %26amp; dont remeber what happened that night, Im always aware of everything im doing, so why am I stresssing over this, help/

What are some reasons why your period might be late?opera house

Sounds like you have a bit of an anxiety issue. Has anyone close to you gotten pregnant or has something bad happened to someone you know or care about? But things that can affect your period are of course stress, exercise and dieting as well as too much weight gain. It sound like you should talk to a counselor about your anxieties . Plus i think its great that you dont feel the need to have sex and are afraid to get pregnant . You are young you have so much to do with your life first :-)

What are some reasons why your period might be late?dream theater opera theater

Stress, change of eating habits, extreme weight gain/loss... If you're still a teen, then maybe your cycle just hasn't worked itself out yet. Don't fret. It will come soon.
The worry your describing can be a cause. The above answer is correct also. Irregularity is not abnormal. Talk to your doctor about medication to regulate your periods.
GUILT! IT's our own internal barometer. If you are obsessing like this over getting so drunk that you may be raped you are partying too too too hard! Take it down a few notches, you don't have to get that carried away with yourself to have fun. Slow down, surround yourself with people you know and trust, not every loser that drags into the house.

Also you should check with a counselor to make sure you don't have some obsessive compulsive traits, the over-obsessing about what isn't a likely possibility could be a chemical imbalance and that could cause your periods to be a mess. Mine always were, even at 30 they are barely consistent.
stress is the biggest thing that can cause late periods. also, if you have a history of illness, then that can cause it too. other than that periods arent always at the same time. they may arrive later or earlier than anticipated. hope this helps
,i think u should try %26amp; stop stressing out so much,%26amp; that stress is the cause.Congrats on your abstaining,hard to find good girls like yourself in these times.Keep the faith %26amp; GODBLESS U %26amp; Yours with Peace,Happiness %26amp; Love!
The most common reason is stress. About 3 years ago the same happened to me, (I was sort of thrilled). But after several months of not seeing it, I figured I ought to go check it out. I didn't need pills or anything and its back to normal now. Im sure you're ok.
Stress is a very larger factor for that and you seem to be stressing a lot over this issue, so relax

Has anyone ever taken a pregnancy test due to being one day late for their period and got a negative

And then waited a few days later and got a positive result?

I am one day late and my pregnancy test came back negative.

I wanted to know if anyone has had this happen and then ended-up still not getting their period and took another test and it came back positive... Is this possible?

Has anyone ever taken a pregnancy test due to being one day late for their period and got a negative result?'s very possible! It happened to me!

Has anyone ever taken a pregnancy test due to being one day late for their period and got a negative result?amc theatre opera theater

I have taken a test a few days before my period and got a neg.then took one the day of my period and was positive but I was pregnant!!Easy to get a false reading not so easy to get a positive one Just ask my 5 kids!!
Yes with my son I got 3 false negatives and finally got a correct positive at 8 weeks.
a negative is a maybe.

a positive is a for sure.
I do not know of any at home pregnancy test that will give you a positive result after one day. It even say so on most boxes. You need to wait a few days before you will get a postive result. I think it is about 5 days
I was 6 weeks late for my period before a test came back positive.
Yep. With my youngest son, Zac, I took test after test after test with him. They were all negative but I was SURE I was pregnant. I went to the doctor and sure enough, I was pregnant. I had a couple of tests left from before I found out I was pregnant and I took one on a whim and still at 25wks, after I had my ultrasound and several doctors appointments, that darn test STILL said I wasnt pregnant. I dont know if it was just the brand or if I mananged to find the defective tests or what but, my husband and I got a good giggle over me 'not' being pregnant when we could see him kicking me :)
Well I believe it's possible don't think negative
i had a blood test come back negative at 3 weeks preg and a pee come back positive at 3 weeks 4 days im due anyday now!!!!

If I withdraw from one class, and take a late start class to fulfill my full time status, will it af

I am currently getting A's in all of my classes except my geometry class. I am on the verge of failing it this semester. And I was thinking of dropping it and receive a "W" on my transcript and hopefully take it next semester but with a BETTER professor that doesn't rush and have a heavy accent and is bad on instructions. So I am debating to just drop that class and take a "late start" class also known as short term classes that lasts only 8 weeks and you still get to earn some credits. I am currently in 14 units, and if I drop my geometry class, that will bring me to 11 units only. And I would need one more unit to consider myself as full-time student. So I was planning to just take a physical education class to fulfill the full time student status, which will give me 12 units. But I do this, will this affect my financial aid for my next following academic year? How does it work? Or would I need to make up the units that I had dropped? Please respond back as soon as possible! Thank!

If I withdraw from one class, and take a late start class to fulfill my full time status, will it affect FAFSAopera mobile

It wouldn't effect FAFSA at all because the FAFSA is just a tool used to determine what financial aid you would be eligible to receive at your school.

As far as your financial aid goes, it could have an effect if you have withdrawn from classes before. Schools have to follow what is called SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress). There are minimal standards set for each school by the federal government, but each school is different in how those standards are applied.

You have Qualitative (where you have to maintain a minimum GPA for your grade level), Quantitative (where you have to complete at least the mimimum percentage of all credit hours for which you are registered), and Maximum Time Frame (the point where you no longer qualify for federal aid because you have exceeded number of hours required for graduation in your program of study, including any transferred hours accepted for credit toward the degree).

If this is the first class you will have withdrawn from then I wouldn't think it would be a problem for the next semester or academic year. But talk to a financial aid officer at your school anyway for more information/guidance as to how SAP is at your school.

Good luck!

If I withdraw from one class, and take a late start class to fulfill my full time status, will it affect FAFSAimax theatre opera theater

As long as you keep full time status it will not effect your aid, keep in mind federal money will only pay for a class twice, so you will need to make sure that you get the "w".

I want to get pregnant,This month my period was 3 weeks late then I started, I have had my period fo

I am trying to get pregnant, last month (August) my period was normal, I usually have it for 5 days from the 7-12 every month. All month long we were working towards getting pregnant, and my period was late in Sept. it didnt show up until the 20th of the month, so we thought I was pregnant. Test came back negative. It is October 4th and I am still on my period, thats 14 days. This has happened more then once to me. It almost seems like my husbands sperm delays my cycle and then when I finally do get it late it last forever, whats wrong with me?

I want to get pregnant,This month my period was 3 weeks late then I started, I have had my period for 2 weeks?opera sheet music

I really hate to say this but you could be having misscarriages. Go and see a doctor.

I want to get pregnant,This month my period was 3 weeks late then I started, I have had my period for 2 weeks?shows opera theater

were you taking birth control before?

look into that... it will happen! keep enjoying the attempts
Thats not good you need to go to the doctor if you don't have insurance go to the emergency room they got to see you Good Luck
I can't really help you with the why. I would check with a doctor maybe you have endometriosis, polyps, pcos, fibroids, it could be many things and they could help you the most. One other reason could be low progesterone. I used to have really unpredictable cycles and heavy periods. Maybe regular, vigorous exercise could help get you onto something of a more regular and lighter period. When I started running my cycles got much better and I am now 1 month pregnant.
Get to the OBGYN and let her/him figure why this is happening,. You should go see them anyway before you try to get pregnant to have a pre pregnancy checkup to make sure there's no pre-existing conditions and to get tested for various things. Maybe you are miscarrying before the levels of hormone are high enough to work with a pregnancy test. Or perhaps its something else, you can't diagnose this alone, so it's best to see what the professionals think. That will give you much more peace of mind than anything anyone here can tell you.
Oh dear - you poor thing!

Definitely go and see your doctor. Having a period for 2 weeks is not normal. I'm not a doctor, but I think you may have possibly been pregnant and perhaps there was something wrong with the foetus itself, or perhaps it didn't attach itself properly to your wall and maybe, sadly enough you may have had a miscarriage.

You didn't say anything about being in any pain, so I'm not sure, although I'm glad you weren't in any pain.

keep going and don't give up. I'm sure you will be blessed with a baby soon. Rather it be healthy then any risks. it's just natures way of saying it wasn't right that time.

Good luck sweetie. x
I dont know what birth control u were on if any, but I was on the depo shot and that happeneds to me also alot. If u wernt on any type of birth control at all in the past 6 mos to a year it could be something wrong. Id get it checked out anyway to make sure. Good luck on having a baby, they sure are blessings.
Everyone's cycle is different and what's normal for some isn't normal for others - try to get your GP's advice on your personal case if possible.

The negative test would suggest there has been no miscarriage.

However, it might be worth noting that stress can change a woman's cycle - and trying to get pregnant can be very stressful - especially when you think you may have succeeded but find out you haven't.

There are various supplements that can help maintain a regular cycle - I've taken Agnus Castus in the past (and I conceived a month after starting) - but I'd recommend you sought some proper medical advice before taking supplements when trying to concieve (Agnus Castus must not be taken during pregnancy!)

Best of luck.
You need to see your doctor about this.

I have endometeriosis. This causes my periods to be irregular, causes me to have longer periods, and causes me to have two periods in a month -- but only some of the time --- along with severe pain.

Your doctor can put you on medication to regulate your periods that still allows you to conceive. Good Luck!!!

I have strabismius and i had my eyes tested late september?

i just turned 14, i have had strabismius ever since i was a baby. i had my eyes tested in late september and was told my left eye was slightly shortsighted and right slightly longsighted but they said they wouldnt normally presribed glasses for that. my right eye turns out. vision in my left seems to be getting worse for long distance. school has just finished for the year and im wondering if i should have them tested before school starts again in february. i will be sitting a science exam next year so ill need to be able to see the board clearly. this sound sreally trivial but plaese tell me what you think. i also get headaches most of the time at the end of the school day.

I have strabismius and i had my eyes tested late september?city opera

I have strabismis as well. I also have different perscriptions for each eye but they can fit you with a pair of glasses for you, i mean I can. Maybe you should get a second opinon, or go back again like you said because my eyes change rapidly.

I am 14. Hope I helped.



I have strabismius and i had my eyes tested late september?performing shows opera theater

Strabismus has a huge impact on academic performance, specifically, reading speed and reading comprehension. People with strabismus have to work harder than other people to remember what is read and may find they have to re-read the text or read slowly to get the meaning from what they are reading. Vision therapy, a program of vision exercises that train the eyes and the brain, is the treatment needed for clear vision and to straighten the eyes. For more information on vision therapy and strabismus go to this web site . There is a doctor referral on this site also so you can find a qualified doctor in your area. To understand what you are missing by having strabismus you can also read an article that was aired on NPR (National Public Radio) called "Sue's First Snowfall". It describes how Sue saw things before she had vision therapy and after she had vision therapy. Google NPR to find the website and put "Sue's First Snowfall" into the search to find the article. I recommend you do a program of vision therapy as soon as you can. It will greatly affect your performance on all tests

Best reasons to tell your supervisor if you are late to work?

What is the best reasons to tell and convince your supervisor if you are late to work without getting any nagging from them.

Best reasons to tell your supervisor if you are late to work?passions soap opera

flat tire.....traffic

Best reasons to tell your supervisor if you are late to work?mr messed up opera theater

Traffic problems
Hemorrhoids are acting up.
apologize once dont go into elaborate discussions or lavish apologies over it and cause undue attention to the fact you were late . If you have an easy answer that is true say it quickly like "traffic" whatever just dont call attention to it. Try not to make it up as your demeanor changes when you lie. Move on quickly to do your work and strive to be ontime and stay late every now and then to show dedication if needed
You have diarrhea.
You know, even if you get nagged and don't like it, the truth is always best.

Try the truth! It will help you grow up. YOU will be better off in the long run!
If they ask, be honest. Ultimately just apologize and try not to make a habit of it. The less said the better though. Because even if you're telling the truth, if it sounds like an excuse then it might as well be one.

Most importantly though, your supervisor is well within his/her rights to 'nag' you for being late. especially if you're late fairly often. punctuality is crucial to a supervisor, because it reflects poorly on them and can really affect your co-workers and the company as well. Think about it from their perspective.
If you was really late for a reason give it. If you were late because you hit the snooze button one too many times that's your own fault. I worked at one job for 7 years and was late once because I forgot to set the alarm, and I told my boss that. I got up called her told her I would be a little late, why, and was 15 mins late. She did not hold it against me because I normally was never late. Another time we had a big rainstorm and the way I went to work was flooded and I had to backtrack and go around another way, I was 5 mins late. And power went off one night and my alarm did not have a battery backup, but the next day I went and bought one so that could never happen again. It is your responsibility to get there on time, if your having problems than get up a little earlier, get your stuff ready for work out before you go to bed, have your lunch already made, clothes laid out, car keys and purse on a table by the door.
apologize and tell him the truth you late for sure he understand

Ive got a line down my belly like in late pregnancy any ideas?

hay im just after some advice my hubby found a light brown line likr what u have in late pregnancy,ive never noticed before,we are trying to have a baby i dont think that as of yet im preg is this line a sympton of pregnancy i didnt think so but it weird we never noticed if before,also has anybody any tips on getting preg ive a 7 year old but she wasnt planned or owt and im with a dif man now,my cycle well out of sync as only came of the pill at end of june any tips would be great thanx

Ive got a line down my belly like in late pregnancy any ideas?movie theater

I have actually heard of that being a sign of pregnancy....!

Broken condom, no ejaculate, plan b within 12 hours of accident, period late as of today. chances be

My girlfriend and I had a condom break about a month ago, I stopped as soon as i noticed. We both panicked severely because she's not on any birth control. She took plan b the next morning and the second pill in the evening like told to do. This happened about 9 or 10 days into her cycle. About 9 days later she had a physical with blood work and urine testing, everything came back fine with no problems. Right around her regular time for her period to start she got some bleeding and thought she was going to start but no flow happened. Since then shes had nothing and now shes late as of tomorrow. We're both getting nervous, but wouldn't those blood and urine tests show something if she was preg? or were they too soon to really show anything? Everything I read about plan b says it can mess up your menstrual cycle. Giving all these circumstances, I just wonder what other ppl think. We're still pretty worried about it. Thanks for reading and any input would be greatly appreciated.

Broken condom, no ejaculate, plan b within 12 hours of accident, period late as of today. chances being preg?home theater

Ok, chill out. She's not even late yet!

Yes, Plan B can mess up her cycle. So can all this stress! Wait another week and if she doesn't get it, have her take an at home pregnancy test. It should be fairly accurate by then.

Besides, while it's possible for her to be pregnant, the chances are ridiculously small. Plan B is very effective especially when taken that soon afterwards. Combine that with the fact that you did not ejaculate and pulled out as soon as you noticed the condom broke and i'd say you really don't have much to worry about.

Broken condom, no ejaculate, plan b within 12 hours of accident, period late as of today. chances being preg?comedy club opera theater

well she is one a 50/50 chance so you guys have to wait at least 2 months for final results
Hmm if everything that you said is what happened, i really dont think she's pregnant. The best way to relax your mind would be to have her take a pregnancy test. Yes the doctor would have been able to detect a hormon in the blood and may have been able to see it in the urine. I really think she's alright. I took plan b yesterday and am expecting an irregular light, early, late, heavy period as it CAN mess it up completely. Just be there for her to let her relax and not worry about it-because she's not pregnant and if she stresses it can delay it even more. I was soo worried once that it delayed my period 10 days! I was convinced i was pregnant it was so late, but all it really was, was stress. Good luck!
I guess you just have to wait and see. A urine test to check for pregnancy 9 days after it happened would be too early to find out anything. Plan B does mess up the menstrual cycle. But having taken Plan B it does not mean that there's no chances of her being pregnant. If she took it after an egg was already fertilized, it wouldn't help except to flush out the remaining sperms in there which could live in her for 5-7 days. I would suggest doing another home pregnancy test to see what you get, or going to the doctor to ask about it.

Should I finally ask her, or is it too late?

I've known this girl now for about 6 months now. before we didn't know each other, but now we get along well, and i'm not shy or don't freak out when we talk anymore. But I like her a alot, like alot. Before, I was waiting fo her to break up, then for my acne to diminish. Now, the bf gone, and my acne is less. So, I can now technically ask her, and march breaks coming up too, so lots of time to hang out. But I dunno, now were good friends, and it'll be a bit weird, or no? Cause I dun want to lose friendship. But when u look at it, why would I, were already friends, what do I have to lose. And well its just like getting to know her first, and then asking her. Or,, am I already too late. I still like her alot, and would love to go out with her, should I ask or not?

Should I finally ask her, or is it too late?amc theater

You should really ask her out why i was just in that same situation i asked her out and we were best friends she said no at first but then she started to like me a lot more and then we were still best friends then she asked me and i said yes... but you see the point is she said no and we still were best friends! you should ask her out and if she says no say can we still be friends and she will say yes and if she says no then you wouldn't want to go out with her anyway but when she says yes to being friends don't be shy just act like you never asked her out

Should I finally ask her, or is it too late?concerts opera theater

I'd say go for it. i mean you have nothing to lose.. and if she says no thats cool i mean it might get awkward but only if you let it.. so I'd say take the chance.. =D
I would say the answer depends on whether she's given you any signals that she likes you too. Has there been any flirting? Does she ever talk about guys she likes (that's bad; it means she doesn't see you as boyfriend material). Try to assess the situation and if you think there's a chance she would agree to it, ask her very casually if she'd like to go out sometime. Even if she chooses not to, you'll probably still remain friends, unless you act weird about it. Girls are fine with remaining friends in these circumstances. So it may be worth a shot.

Is it possible to grow taller as an adult, Late Bloomer?

Im 20 years old and 5 months, ive never really had a growth spurt as a teen ive been the same height since 14. Im 5'6.5, my height brings me great depression along with many other things. And my peers often make fun of me, women are ruthless as well... Im close to just giving up on women PERIOD. All of my taller peers get chicks, because they look more manly and mature physically. Women my age are very SHALLOW, to them height seems to be super important. Doesn't matter how cool or how much confidence i bring to the table. It seems like my only hope in being truly happy right now is if i grow! My mom is 5'8 and my dad is 6'0 Is it possible for me to grow taller? Im a skinny guy, i have small hands, small feet, people mistake me for 15 ALOT! I cant do anything without showing ID or getting harrassed. I work out everyday, i play sports and eat healthy making sure i take in the right form of energy. Is it possible I'm a late bloomer? Does anyone know of growth spurts after Highschool?

Is it possible to grow taller as an adult, Late Bloomer?movie theatre

Yes, it's very possible to grow after high school. I did. I was about 5'10 after graduating high school. Then, during my freshman and sophomore years of college, I grew another 3 inches. Could never really grow a good beard in high school but then the facial hair really sprouted too. So, it can happen.

If it doesn't happen, don't give up on women. Some women do like taller guys but there are some out there that are cool if you're cool with how tall you are. Don't be ashamed of it. They like confidence. If you're confident, they won't even care if you're the same height as they are.

Is it possible to grow taller as an adult, Late Bloomer?playhouse opera theater

Sorry about the hassles. But yes, you can keep growing until you are about 25. So, you could be a late bloomer and grow another 2" - 4" in the next 5 years. But your hands and feet probably won't grow.

As far as women, they want someone who is about 2 - 4 years older. But all woman like upbeat, confident men who can make them laugh ... Focus on leadership...

How common is it it to develop soy allergies late in life?

I can't believe it, but it would appear that I am developing an allergy to soy. I didn't seem to have any problems before when I was just a regular old vegetarian, but since I've cut out dairy and eggs I have been eating a lot more soy (soy cream, soy milk, soy cheeses, on top of the usual soy meat substitutes and tofu). It's been about two months since I've increased my soy intake. About a week or so ago I started getting mild hives. They seem worst at night (like an hour or so after dinner where I usually get the most soy) and tend to go away for the most part during the day, but I had tofu for lunch and didn't have a very severe reaction, so I don't know what's going on. I am going away for the night tomorrow and plan on eating a lot of soy so that I can rule out an allergy to my cat. I typically do not have allergies, although I did get hives a lot when I was a kid. Does it sound normal to get an allergy late in life like this? Are hives a common symptom of soy allergies? Thanks!

How common is it it to develop soy allergies late in life?dream theater

Yes, allergies and intolerances can develop at any point in life! The most common known causes of onset are: digestive infection, a period of prolonged stress, an accident/physical trauma, or just plain having too much!

I developed a wheat intolerance when I was about 12, but it took me about 12 years to fully realize what was going wrong with me. Wheat is fine for 95%+ of the population, just like soy is probably good for 95%+ of the population, but to me, its a real danger.

The complications of an untreated food intolerance are extreme! Vegetable proteins are actually very complicated and I believe from a chemical perspective, it is the plant's last defense against being eaten. Some people suggest that real Tofu that has been fermented properly is easier to digest. Genetically modified and raw soy protein additives would be the worst. Modern farming techniques put intentional stress on the plants to increase protein yield, some percentage of these proteins are defensive and attack anyone who tries to eat them. Your body can only handle so much based on genetic, and other factors.

Other risky foods are dairy, wheat, corn, soy, tomato, and citrus. Too much reliance on one can leave you vulnerable to intolerance. Try an elimination diet for a few weeks and see if you start to feel better. After regular consumption of a food you are intolerant to, it can take up to a year to reach full healing!

How common is it it to develop soy allergies late in life?performing arts opera theater

I don't know anything about soy, but I did hear before that your body changes every 7 yrs., so it is a possibility for you to become allergic to something late in life.
I really have no experience with it... but now that I'm exploring other things more, I'm trying to limit my intake of soy to tofu and the occasional tvp commercial product. I don't buy into all the crazy propaganda released against soy, but I do have a hunch (as with many things in life) too much soy can be bad. I just tried almond milk again this last week...the first stuff (dont remember brand) had ginger in it for some reason - I pick up flavors like this way too easily so it was too strong for me.. but we tried almond breeze.same people who make those diamond almonds and its monumental. The chocolate milk ( just tried tonight) is fantastic. I'm still more won over by my hemp milk though because of all the extra nutrients it has.

I don't know if the run a fork across your wrist and rub technique would work for this..but get some fresh podded soybeans and break em apart a bit, then rub on your wrist..see if you get any raised bumps.
Soy products are dangerous and should be avoided. Constituents of soy block the absorption of minerals and inhibit enzymes. Consumption of soy has been linked to birth defects, brain damage, thyroid disorders, and many other problems. Products made with soy milk increase mucous production.

Soy is one of the ancient sacred four plants of the Chinese, but not because they ate it. They used it to fix nitrogen from the air into the soil for other crops. The Chinese did not consume soy until they figured out how to ferment it and make it digestible. These products are miso, soy sauce and tempeh. Soy cheese, soy milk, soy oil, tofu, and texturized vegetable products are an extremely recent innovation. In China, tofu, like meat, is not consumed in large quantities.

Huge money is involved in the form of large agricultural concerns and food manufacturers so you won't hear the truth about soy in the mass media.

You can become allergic to foods at any age. You may simply not have noticed allergic reactions until you changed your dietary choices.

An easy, delicious, and healthy alternative to soy milk is cashew milk. Place two cups of cashews in a good blender. Add cold water to just below the level of the cashews. Blend until creamy (this made be used as is to add body and creaminess to all kinds of dishes). Add more water while blending until the blender carafe is full. If you want it sweeter, add a couple of tablespoons to the carafe while it is blending.
Due to the genetic modification of most soy, a British study has concluded that modified soy can be the cause for the onset of many allergies as an adult. Google "roundup ready soy" for one example. Like most foods, soy has been spliced with the DNA of other species of plants to make it more growth tolerant and pest resistant. Once it was introduced to the common market, there was a 60 percent increase in adult onset allergies to wheat, soy, corn, eggs and dairy. Keep in mind that soy is the primary feed fed to livestock for food, so many people become allergic to meat as well. Often, these "allergies" are diagnoses as arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other illness, when, in fact, just avoiding the allergen will prevent symptoms. Hens are often fed soy as well, making eggs allergens as well. I know we talked about this yesterday, but I dont think enough people are aware how scary the whole genetic modification of food is, or how widespread it is. You assume that the head of lettuce you buy at the store is "natural" but chances are that it, like most other produce, has been genetically modified. Try keeping a food journal (free online at and keep in mind it can take up to 36 hours after consuming a food to show an allergic response. I hope it works out for you.

From what I can tell, this isn't very common. According to WebMD, soy allergies are most common in infants. They also write that adults to sometimes suffer from a soy allergy, though it is rare.

The Cleveland Health Clinic agrees, writing that "although soy allergy occurs most often in infants and children, it can appear at any age and can be caused by foods that had been previously eaten without any problems."

So, while it isn't common, it does happen. Be sure to see your doctor about possible solutions. A nutritionist may also be able to help you develop a "soy free diet" should you need one.



How Can I Get Him Back? I'm Heartbroken? Is It Too Late?

My boyfriend broke up with me about a month and a half ago. We went out for about 2 years and were best friends for a year or so before that. I was stuck in a really awful job and it gave me really bad anxiety. We didn't fight or anything, we just weren't getting along like before. I'm devastated that we are not together anymore and I feel terrible that I let my job do this to us. He told me he still cares about me and he's not turning his back on me.

I have a new job now that I love and I have told him about it. We have talked on the phone a few times, but mostly we email. He is usually the one to email me first and then I answer him. My birthday was Friday and he called to say Happy Bday, but I missed the call so he left a message. I called back later and left him a message. I know he will call, I just don't know when.

What should I do? I love him so much, I feel terrible that this happened? Do you think it's too late? Any advice on getting him back would be helpful. Thanks.

How Can I Get Him Back? I'm Heartbroken? Is It Too Late?imax theatre

u get him back by showing him u have made changes, by your new behavior, and actions. he didn't leave u completely, and seems to want to give u a chance to change. but don't act to pushy or in a hurry or u may scare him away. just be yourself, don't talk about the job, or the things that bother u, instead seek some therapy group to go to where u will meet others who will be there for u to talk to. i would say theres a good chance this guy really cares about u, and will be back.

How Can I Get Him Back? I'm Heartbroken? Is It Too Late?performing show opera theater

why dont u talk to HIM about it?
Seems like you are still suffering from anxiety. IF you love him go find him and tell him I love you and I want to be with you and you only. Then enjoy life and stop worrying.
Look..if is meant to be...then it will be. At this point, he is not interested in having a committed relationship with you and you need to face it and get on with your life! It is nice that at least you can remain friends. Get out with your friends and family and start creating a good life for yourself! Time to move on.........
two years r too much for staying with one person,

i would have 20 in the same duration !
Hi...You're good luch.! He really cares about you ...It's not too late.Call on him,send e-mail,e-card and ......just talk...!!!
noy really, i have been in a relationship (i would say) with this woman i loved for 15 years, still when i found out she cheated on me twice (as far as i came to know), still i didnt diovorce her, hoping someday she will learn value of love

Is a car that under 1K and from the late-80's or early 90's be reliable, espically through

Ok I'm currently in need to buy a car and one that will cost $1,000 or less (I've got a refund check coming, plus whatever else can be clawed together), as I plan to buy a better one when my big one comes, but for now the cars that show (espically on AutoTrader) are cars mostly in the late 80's or early 90's, go figure for the offer price. Anyway some of these cars are just being parted out , mechcanic dreams or legit vechicles. Though the thing is I don't trust private sellers, so I want to go through a dealer. Though the issue is, in the price I'm paying, will I end up getting conned? This is also to go with the fact that I'll need this vechicle to take me through out the Ohio winter ,espically in taking me to school and work (the last thing I need is a vechicle to break down at 1:55 and I'm due at work at 2:30). This is not to mention the fact, that some of the vechicle look nice on the outside like this Lincoln Town Car'85 and Cadillac De Ville Sedan'90 but are they smokescreens.

Is a car that under 1K and from the late-80's or early 90's be reliable, espically through a cold winter?shows

best thing to do is find a decent garage mechanic who knows what they are doing, ask them to give you hints as what best to go for.

when you buy it make sure you give it a big service and see whats wrong with it and what needs doing, if its been well looked after you should have very little problems.

th best advice is always a mechanic, NOT th people who you are going to buy from, they will tell you any old crap to sell it to you

Is a car that under 1K and from the late-80's or early 90's be reliable, espically through a cold winter?comedy show opera theater

A car that old for that price, be lucky if it cranks and runs.
If you buy a $1000 car, also get a bus pass.

One of your fellow associates has been coming to work 20 minutes late for the past week. This has re

Here are the answers to choose from.

1. Bring up tardiness in the next department meeting.

2. Tell the associate that it鈥檚 unfair to everyone when he comes in late.

3. Continue to pick up the slack until the manager takes action.

4. Warn the associate that you will speak to the manager the next time he is late.

5. Talk to the other associate about how tardiness affects group goals and ask for his help by getting to work sooner.

One of your fellow associates has been coming to work 20 minutes late for the past week. This has resulted in?concert venue

I would choose 6 (none of the above) and I would just concentrate on doing my job. Your supervisor will notice and hopefully take appropriate action. To confront the co-worker, or tell on them, only makes you a target or bad guy. Right now the tardy worker is making him or herself look worse than you could by telling on them.

One of your fellow associates has been coming to work 20 minutes late for the past week. This has resulted in?events opera theater

2, followed by 4 if it doesn't work.
6. Figure the guy is having a bad week and give him some slack.
Ok, let's not assume here. Maybe the fellow associate has gotten permission to come just a tad bit late, just for this week only. Maybe he/she already went to the supervisor.

If not, send an anonymous email to the boss and tell them about this slacker!!!!!
Uh...Forget about the WARNING in #4...Talk to whoever HIS supervisor is about make sure they know about it
If I had to pick one of the reccomendations, 5 would be what I'd pick.

But what I reccomend is different. I would either talk to the manager or your hr department about this. If you are not the persons manager, it is not your place to directly discipline the person. Plus, if you bring it up in a meeting you will have started a fight. Let the people who are paid and empowered to discipline this person do their jobs. In addition, I'd reccomend documenting in detail how much this person's tardiness has an effect on your job.
1 %26amp; 5 at the same time
I had the same situation, with my supervisor, several years ago... she was constantly late.. I had made a point of telling her, she needed to be on time Sunday, as I had to be somewhere right after work. She strolled in 45 minutes later, to find our boss there ( I had to leave ). He spoke to her about her lateness, she was on time for a week, then it began all over againg.... til she was dismissed.

# 2 and # 4... tell her that it is rude, and disrespectful, of him/her to constantly arrive late.

Has anyone not known about their pregnancy until very late and not had the normal symptoms?

I have read stories about young people not finding out they are pregnant until very late into the pregnancy as they still get their periods and stuff. I still get mine lightly, though irregularly, but i have a lot of other symptoms. I'm scared to find out just in case I am pregnant because I'm only 17. Has anyone else been in my situation and is it worth getting a test? My mum would kill me if i was pregnant.

Has anyone not known about their pregnancy until very late and not had the normal symptoms?performing shows

well yes i have and well i didnt know that i was pregnate untill i was over 5 months pregnate and well yes i would say its worth getting tested and dont freak when you find out that you are and just dont really worry about your mom cause she may change he mind so dont panic about that and well i had no symptoms for the whole time i was pregnate and well i didnt gain weight or have odd cravings. i was afraid that my baby was going to be mentaly retarded cause i rode on roller coasters and such. well i had periods also so i know that can be a bad thing but you just need to go to a doctor and find out make sure to include your mom and try to talk to her about it cause its going to be hard on her to

Has anyone not known about their pregnancy until very late and not had the normal symptoms?say yes opera theater

i don't want to scare you but that is exactly what happened to me when i was 17. you definately need to check on that. your mom might get mad... mine sure was but ask her to be your coach in the delivery room. the moment that she sees that baby she will get over being mad... and make sure you are the mommy... not your parents... i made that mistake too.
All women are diffrent. some women have symptoms and some don't.
My cousin was 22 weeks into her pregnancy when she finally "felt" something. She had normal periods, didn't notice anything out of the oridinary since her breasts got extremely tender during her cycle anyway. She didn't really have "morning sickness" and finally at about 22 weeks she started getting dizzy and fatigued very eaisly, she went to the doctor thinking she had a virus...He did a pelvic exam and it was a little more than a "virus" LOL..she was about 23 at the time.
yes it happens often

u better do a test, quick

and dont stress, if you are pregnant the baby feels all the negative stressed vibes from you plus babies hear everything.

a lil reminder called birth control, wait for mr right!
When I was 17 I got pregnant. I didn't know at first. At lunch at school, my stomach would hurt after I ate and would hurt for a few hours afterwards. My boyfriend was leaving for the military that summer, so I figured it was just stress. But it kept getting worse. I finally told my mom that I thought I had a stomach ulcer or was pregnant. It turned out to be pregnant. But at that point I was still early in the pregnancy, no more than 3 months.

I think if people make it into late pregnancy without knowing, they are in denial. Things happen with your body as a baby grows inside you. Only a person in denial could miss that.
My 6th pregnancey was a total mystery to me and i was pregnante with twins. I was having some pretty nasty cramps so i went to the doctor and found out i was having a miscarriage. nice huh? I had absolutely no symptoms, I didn't with my daughter either...she was my 5th pregnancey. With my son (#7) i had a lot of pregnancey symptoms from the get go, so it all depends. i'd take a test just to ease your mind. good luck.

What does this mean??? ok i am a week late for af and...?

i am a week late getting af and everytime i go pee i check for it, but i seem to be getting a dicharge insted, yesterday it was thick and creamy and now today it seems to have a watery texture insted. is it possibe to ovulate when you miss a period or is this a sign its comming very soon?? dont understand?? also i know its NOT an infection. it does not smell or itch. thanks

What does this mean??? ok i am a week late for af and...?tickets

just because it does not smell or itch does not mean its not some kind of infection.

if you are a week late you need to take a OTC preg test. you could be you could not be. there is always that chance if you have been havin unprotected sex

could mean your cycle is changing and it has not yet come on yet.

if it does not stat within a day or 2 and u have no positive pregnancy test, you need to make an appointment to be seen by your doctor. s/he can tell you exactly what the problem is

Breakfast food that provides plenty of energy until a late lunch?

I've been wondering what kinds of breakfast foods taste amazing but also are quick to make and can provide energy to make it to a late lunch, without getting hungry beforehand. And make sure they're healthy, since I'm trying to lose weight. =]

Any suggestions?

Breakfast food that provides plenty of energy until a late lunch?comedy club

I suggest slow-acting carbs and proteins. That's sweet potatoes, whole grains (whole grain rice, whole grain wheat bread, whole grain cereals, oatmeal, et cetera), and eggs, milk, or a casein protien supplement. That should keep you up, moving, full, and energized well into the day.

Breakfast food that provides plenty of energy until a late lunch?sheet music opera theater

id go with two wgg whites in the morning, its only about 25 calories
I usually have a serving of protein (sometimes a piece of chicken I cooked the night before or egg whites.) I also eat a serving of fruit and some type of grain (whole wheat toast or some cereal.) The combination of protein and grains will help keep you filled until lunch.

Have been having preg symptons including L.side pain,late for a day then came the next day very heav

i have been having preg symptons like backache,stomach cramps,light headache,L side pain,shoulder pain,tiredness,sensetive breast and high temperature,late for a day took a preg taste came back negative period came next day very heavy could it be possible that i misscarried.first day period was 27/11/06 and lasted for five days and next period was 28/12/06 please help me i am not a regular person,also i am 14stone what are my chances of getting pregnant and how much weight do i have to loose i am desparate for a baby and have been trying for two months.please

Have been having preg symptons including L.side pain,late for a day then came the next day very heavy ,worriedconcerts

You may have had a chemical pregnancy, but that is not a miscarriage and doesn't involve the physical trauma. You may also have had a mild flu.

I'm not sure it is especially helpful for you to speculate.

I think what you need to focus on is your own health and well being, rather than your weight. Have you quit smoking, if you were smoking before? Are you taking pre-natal vitamins? Are you eating five servings of fruit and veg a day? Have you eliminated ready-made, processed foods?

These are some things you can start doing, but even then, you don't have to be perfect to have a baby. Improved health benefits you and everyone around you for the rest of your life.

Trying to conceive and desperately wanting a child are stressful events because we aren't in complete control. Still, the process involves a very powerful lesson: patience. You will need patience every day of your pregnancy, throughout the birth and every day that you are a parent for the rest of your life. This is a stage in your learning. This is part of your path to learning emotional control so that you can care for another person whose life will be more important to you than your own.

It is a hard journey, but you will make it. I hope you find some peace along the way.

I wish you all the best for a happy, healthy pregnancy and a lovely, healthy baby in 2007.

Have been having preg symptons including L.side pain,late for a day then came the next day very heavy ,worriedheadache opera theater

No you probably didnt miscarry although there is a small chance that that happened. If you are overweight your chances of concieving are lessened plus you have more chance of complications to both you and baby. If you are of average height then you need to lose about 3 or 4 stones.
I dont think you were pregnant....symptons before period are pretty much the same....

Two months trying is too early to get worried about not getting pregnant.Just put it out of your mind.....and see what happens then.

Good luck in 2007...lets hope its a good year for you.
Go to your dr's office. Or go to a free clinic. Why are you 14 and getting into situations where this happens???? Sorry...just concerned....
syptoms are of prgnacy are the same as period also if ur worryin ur period would be late
It could be pregnancy symptoms or it could be the weight. You could be pregnant as a test can be wrong when it comes up negative (but can not be wrong for positive) have you been to see you GP as these symptoms are also connected with the std chlamydia. anything you discuss with your GP is confidently and another question to you why are you so desperate for a child is it because you are in a loving relationship and what the next step or is it to fill a gap if the answer is the second then children do not fill gaps they are hard work and you have them for at lest 16 years a very big commitment i know i have 2.

What is a nice gift to give for a late April wedding?

It's my fiances sister that is getting married in late April. I would like to give something that is different than what the normal gifts for weddings would be (cash, toasters, etc.) Please let me know your ideas!

What is a nice gift to give for a late April wedding?playhouse

Visit their registry. It's there for a reason. Please, stay away from photo albums, picture frames, decorative bowls, blah blah blah unless they are specifically registered for. I'm not a cash of gift card person as to me it says "I don't have the time to shop for you. Here's how much your friendship is worth, so take the money and go shopping all on your own."

Otherwise, visit and get an engraved bottle of bubbly. Tell them to drink it on their first anniversary. : )

What is a nice gift to give for a late April wedding?plays opera theater

your best bet is to stick with waht is on their registry.
How about a gift card to there favorite store..Or if that are registered at a store, Get them what's on there list.
I gave my fiance's (actually, boyfriend at the time) brother and wife a check and a gift certificate to Home Depot. The cash was more than the GC, but they raved about what they got at the Depot.
What about getting them a certificate for a masseuse to come to their house and give them a massage.
Just give cash we all need it and we all want it.
Gift cards are good gifts. I like the American Express Gift Cards because they're accepted wherever regular American Express Gift Cards are accepted.
A basket of giftcards and tickets to local attractions and theaters and spas could be nice. Kind of extends the honeymoon feeling to have "datenights" already paid for.
some great gifts
How about a gift certificate for the couple for massages on their honeymoon or a digital camera to use on their honeymoon? You could get them a cleaning lady for the first few months or year of their marriage (depending on price). You could get them a gift certificate to a bed %26amp; breakfast to use on their 6 month wedding anniversary. If they like to cook, you could get them cooking lessons together.

Think outside the box! Fun stuff like that is great because it's stuff they can do together in the first year of their wedding or stuff that will help them relax after the stress of planning a wedding!
A crock for a plant with their name and wedding date on it....they sell they at Lowes/Home Depot.....
Give them a stock certificate in their names. I found this a great and original gift to give! Besides you don't have to spend a lot of money buying it!

What dose it mean when my period is somewhat late and a difference of flow?

okay, so it seems like i should be getting my period anyday, i may be a week or a few days late, but the last time i had sex i got my regular period after.witch was my last period. just a day or two ago i now have like spotting and like brown stuff. like very light blood. and then it like stopped after a day. but i still have the brown stuff. i have cramps and everything but im worried why this is happening and why i dont have my normal period? cuz its usually pretty heavy. WHAT DOSE THIS MEAN? i really hope im not pregnent, i wouldnt think that? but this makes me worry. someone give me advice or tips or something please and thank you

What dose it mean when my period is somewhat late and a difference of flow?classical music

i'm supposed to get my period on 16 aug 2007 but i got it last night 28 aug 2007. my last period was very punctual. my periods are punctual, not, not, not, punctual, not, etc...

What dose it mean when my period is somewhat late and a difference of flow?ms stress opera theater

Everyone's cycle is different. I don't know what your age is, but almost all girls who have only started their first period within the last year or so will more than likely have irregular and or missed periods. Sometimes we do not ovulate which can also cause a missed period.

Other reasons my be stress, a change in your diet, weight, starting a new medication, or many other reasons. Also, you may have the symptoms that you described for a day or two and then you may start your period with normal flow (Whatever is normal for you.) in a few days. I personally am never on time. I experience the same thing that you are experiencing now. I usually start a few days after the symptoms that you you and I share.

You should give it a few more days and see what happens. If you are really worried about being pregnant, get a home kit. I know everyone will bash out at me for telling you that as opposed to going to your doctor, but just to ease your mind you may want to do this. Also, be sure that you use some type of protection in the future. If this condition continues monthly, go see your doctor. And, please have your yearly pap and pelvic exam. I hope all is well. Like I said, most of us are not regular. = )

How did I get fat on my belly?? From late night eating??

This is weird. About a month ago, I had a nice firm belly...I'm pretty skinny at about 95 pounds, 5'1",but recently, i've been developing a pudgy belly! I'm living with my Mom and she makes me eat about 2 cups of white rice each night for dinner and other stuff.....and i've been eating more sugar, BUT I have NOT changed the amount of calories I've been consuming (1400) WHY am I getting a pudgy belly????????! No change in activity either....Is it from the white rice?? and late night eating?? BUT i am still eating the same number of calories..i thought a calorie was a calorie!!!

Please explain this to me...

How did I get fat on my belly?? From late night eating??performing arts

Ok- 2 cups of white rice is a lot of rice for every night. As you get older, your metabolism starts to slow down which is why women begin to find less firm areas on their body (I was just thinking about this last night as I will be 31 in a few weeks!). Late night eating could also be a problem because usually the body is preparing for rest which means it is winding down. We don't stop all of a sudden to sleep- just like babies, they need a routine to signal for bedtime. So I would suggest establishing a stricter routine- more frequent, smaller meals, heavier early in the day then winding down with smaller and lighter meal in the evening. I would recommend cutting back on the rice and sugar and adding more protein. As small as you are, you should probably feel a difference in a week or two. In the evenings before you go to sleep, try to do some stretches, reaching high for the ceiling to help accelerate the disappearance of the pudge! Good luck!

How did I get fat on my belly?? From late night eating??binoculars opera theater

late night.
late night eating

the digestive system needs time to digest the food properly

Age 42, regular periods, husband has vasectomy, why was I two weeks late with my period?

I have regular periods like clockwork. About 8 mos ago I didn't get my period, I waited and waited and even took a pregnancy test which was negatave. 13 days past due, I finally got my period, which was normal flow. All periods have been on track since that time.

Here it is now, I was due for my period on the 7th so I'm running late's the 13th now.

My husband had a vasectomy 10 years ago, and no, I don't have extramarital sex.

What are reasons for very late periods in otherwise healthy females?

I am not getting any other signs of menopause.... but maybe it has something to do with it???

Age 42, regular periods, husband has vasectomy, why was I two weeks late with my period?symphony

Menopause a great possibility. My mother also had the same clock work periods and they started to be come irregular at about your age. It was just a once in a while thing and it took a few more years for the other symptoms to start (hot flashes, GROUCHY, etc.)

Age 42, regular periods, husband has vasectomy, why was I two weeks late with my period?performing arts center opera theater

While unlikely it is possible that his vasectomy failed. I would go see the doctor for complete physical they should be able to give you information.
Some women start going thru menopause early. Your body could be doing that. Also, a vasectomy doesn't always work. Sometimes the body repairs itself, and you can get pregnant again. Since this is the second time you've been going thru this, I would think it's the first answer. If your hormones are off, that can also cause a late period. Chasteberry is a great herb for balancing your hormones.
if you are constantly worring about bring late that can make you late. Stress plays a big part in your cycle. you also might be in the beginning stated of menpause. if it bothers you that much go talk to you doctor.
It seems either of two things -

You are pregnant or you are starting menopause. I started in my early 30s %26amp; didn't have any noticeable symptoms at first. My cycle was always crazy so I didn't think about it much.

I'm taking Progestin Only birth control pills. I took one extremely late today, am I at risk fo

Ok, I got busy at work, and forgot to take my pill. My normal time is 4pm, but I didn't take my pill until 1am when I finally remembered. The thing is, I'm getting extremely conflicting information about what to do. The instruction pack which came with my pills says to just take a late pill as soon as you remember and you won't have to use back up. While several online sources say taking a pill more than 3 hours late will require back up birth control methods for the rest of my cycle. I'm not worried, and I feel like I should just follow the information in my instruction pack, but I thought I would ask anyway just to see what the general consensus from other women is. So what do you ladies think?

I'm taking Progestin Only birth control pills. I took one extremely late today, am I at risk for pregnancy?performing show

I would use the backup method just to be safe. The pill insert is probably right that you're protected, but there's no such thing as too careful

Was this really offending??

K well me and my friends got late onto this bus for a field trip and there was only one open seat left for me. And when i saw who i was sitting next too i was like oh **** damn it i don't want too sit here. THe girl i liked was sitting across from the seat i was about too take and she heard me say all that stuff and saw me looking really depresed. And she was like theres open seats up there and i was like really! thank you so much. But when i got there a teacher sat down and i had too go back. ANd when i went back to that seat i put my head down and seemed really upset and all of a sudden she picks up her stuff and walks forward too trade seats with her friend. Oh and she knows i like her. did i offend her?

i didn't want to sit next too that kid i was going too have too sit next too. and i asked her and my friend who was worse a teacher or him and they both said that kid.

Was this really offending??comedy show

Yeah you were acting stupid. You should have just sat down like it was no big deal. Man up. Don't be a whiney wuss.

Was this really offending??greek theater opera theater

Ok you probally didn't offend her...she may have been disgusted that you made such a big deal over sitting next to someone. She probaly would rather sit near a nice person instead of an immature one.
Was this a kindergarten field trip?

You are so inmature.

Grow up. You would have sat beside that person for what forty minutes or an hour. You were not getting married.


ask her. honestly i think she just wanted to get up and move. it probably didnt have anything to do with you:P
just grow up and explain what you really meant by what you said
i'm confused. Which girl do you think got offended. The girl across the from you or the person you had to sit by?

please answer my question;...
Yeah, you were rude. You probably should have not said aloud that you didn't want to sit near that person. The other girl was trying to make the situation better. Anyway, so the person in the seat moved away cuz her feelings got hurt by you.

Anyway, the way to undo all of this is to buy something small for the person that you hurt (like a keychain with her name on in since you like her or some candy she likes or whatever) and tell her you are really sorry that you hurt her feelings and did not mean it.
You acted like an ugly person and she did the right thing by getting up and walking away from you. Did you for one minute consider the feelings of the person that you were putting down? Sounds like the girl you like is a far better person than you are!

Best route across country from Seattle to Wash. DC in late December??

I am planning to drive from Seattle to DC in late December in a '05 Camry. Should I go Seattle-Salt Lake City-DC on I-80 or go Seattle-LA-TN-DC ? I am mainly worried about getting snowed. I was looking and the southern route also has mountains upto about 7000 feet. Is this route bad during winter? Or is the Salt lake route even worse? Any other route suggestions are welcome. I have about 7-8 days to make the trip.

For the car (~35k miles right now), any special service required apart from oil change, tire rotation? I already have my 30k service done and have new tires with about 2k on them. Also, do I need to carry tire chains?

Best route across country from Seattle to Wash. DC in late December??events

The best route to have little chance of snow is I-10 across the southern states, then make your way north towards DC after you cross the Mississippi.

If you take the northern routes you will be required to have chains when crossing the mountains in the snow.

Best route across country from Seattle to Wash. DC in late December??home theatre opera theater

Check your tire pressure. Balance your load not too much weight to the rear of the rear tires. Check the weather forecasts for whole trip and plan the best route as weather dictates. If you are going up in elevation or heading into bad weather just lay over a day and wait.
Well, regardless of the route you decide on there is a good chance of running into snow.

I-80 or I-70 part of the way is a good choice though. Chains may help.

And purchasing a good CB radio is also not a bad idea. Can get the ones that use a cigarette lighter for power, and a magnetic roof mount antenna. Keep on channel 19 of course. An inexpensive tow rope might be beneficial.

All major truck stops have TV鈥檚 tuned to the weather channels. Might consider getting gas and food there,

Keep your gas tank always at least half full. Keep extra warm clothing in your vehicle.
I lived in Montana for years; lots of people preferred the northern route in the winter as the weather changes less. Several years ago, I traveled halfway across the continent, but hit snow in Arizona going to California and hit snow in Texas coming back.

I-80 ends up in San Francisco. I-90 runs from Seattle. Listen to all the weather forecasts and check on the internet. I would suggest going over on I-90 and perhaps catching I-29 south to Omaha, Nebraska. But that will depend upon the weather. If there is a storm, was a storm, or a storm is impending, go south on I-5 and across on I-10.

Pack blankets, water, all the winter emergency stuff and keep in your car. Tire chains are always good. Make sure your tires are good for such a long trip. Check with your dealer; you probably don't need anything else.

Going through Salt Lake is not the big problem; the worst parts of I-80 are Donner's Pass (California-Nevada) and east of Laramie in Wyoming; at 8,600' + it is the highest point on I-80.

I screwed up several times with a girl I like. Is it too late?

This girl is one of my labs. I have let the whole semester go by without getting to know her. I want to know here now but I feel an urgency to get her number or a date before summer.

I saw her in class and the cafeteria last week and I never said anything. Its like I freeze.

I am particularly mad at myself for the cafeteria one because she forgot her ID card and I could have given her mine. Agh.

So is it too late. All the advice I get says to get to know her before I ask her out or get her number. But theres the urgency and the screwed up parts now.

I do know her through my cousin and they are near best friends, but dang...this is a mess.

Thing is she is not much aware of my attraction for her, maybe a little but not much.

Is it too late? What should I do? How could I go about this?

I screwed up several times with a girl I like. Is it too late?say yes

Hmm well girls know more than you think ;)

she prolly does know you like her if you stare alot

my advice is simply what everyone else is telling you

you'll never know if you dont try sooo either talk to her in person or get your cousin to set something up where all three of you hang out..

I screwed up several times with a girl I like. Is it too late?palace theatre opera theater

just kill yourself.
I know it's hard, but chill. You're thinking about this too much.

Take it in steps. Don't make it all or nothing (i.e., Get # and date immediately).

Make some easier goals, like:

1. Meet her / talk to her A LITTLE

2. Invite her to do something with you and some other mutual friends. Tell her, "Hey, we're gonna go ...(whatever)... wanna come?"

See how it goes from there...
since you freeze write her a note telling her how you feel...notes are fun and cute...i like
tell her how u feel. or tell ur cousin to act as a matchmaker. don't wimp out because u never know. she might b a freak in the sheets
its not too late... but hurry up and MAKE UR MOVE! coz it could be too late soon!

of course ur gonna freeze, u like her, but u hav got to get over that.

if u cant and wont, then it is too late.

just think. how much do u care for her? if u do u will get over being shy for her.

in my opinion, any guy who is too shy to talk to me, is not worth waiting for!


good luck... lol
Lol careful with the notes. Some girls think it's cute but some might think it's a little sad if u can't tell her in person ;)

I think you should at least ask her to lunch/coffee or something like that. Walking up to her and asking for her number might seem kinda random to her.

I had unprotected sex while on birth control and I'm a few days late but the test says negative

I've been on Yaz for almost three months now. Three weeks ago, we didn't use a condom. I got paranoid because I was late taking a pill or two the week before, so I also took Plan B. I took a pregnancy test the week after and then again a week after that and both came out negative.

I'm a few days late getting my period and I was wondering if maybe taking the Plan B threw my schedule off or something. Should I be worried and take another test or go to the doctor?

I had unprotected sex while on birth control and I'm a few days late but the test says negative- wrong?getting late

taking a pill late once or twice might lower the effectiveness by maybe .5%. there was no need to take the plan B pill, and now your body is overloaded with hormones, making your period late. the pill is highly effective, and protects against pregnancy even when you don't use a condom. if it didn't, most women wouldn't bother taking it. the test is correct - you're not pregnant. but don't mess around with plan b. it's for emergencies only - like when a condom breaks and you're not on the pill.

I had unprotected sex while on birth control and I'm a few days late but the test says negative- wrong?regal theater opera theater

sometimes when you have sex i can make you late one time i was a week late. the only way the test would be wrong is it could say prego when your really not
First off there was no need to take Plan B whatsoever because you were on the pill. The pill is 98% effective meaning the chances of you getting pregnant is VERY slim.

HOWEVER, because your hormones are used to something and you interfered Plan B, thats probably why you are late on your period. It's adding unnecessary hormones.

You'll be fine...but the only thing you should be worrying about with having sex without a condom is STDs...because chances are you won't get pregnant.
take another test then go to the docter if it says no

good luck


You were correct to take the Plan B since you had taken a couple pills late the previous week. Birth control pills are 98% effective ONLY when taken correctly ie same time, not missing them, etc.

Most likely it is the Plan B that threw you into a loop. Plan B is a VERY high dose hormone pill so you have more hormones in you than usual. Give it a another week and if still nothing, I would contact your ob/gyn.
Girl you definitely need to know what it is that you are doing to your body before you do them. There was no reason to take Plan B. You are on the pill! There are instructions and pill websites that you can refer to when you forget to take a pill or when you take a pill a little late. From now on use a condom, it will definitely save you the trouble and the obvious paranoia that you are experiencing. Go see the doctor, because nobody on this site can tell you what happens now that you have intereferred with your pills by taking Plan B. You still need to be able to continue taking your pills effectively and your doctor can give you your answers.

Also, a pregnancy test will not help you when you use it two weeks into your month of pill taking. I hope this is making sense to you. Pregnancy tests are only accurate if you use them AFTER you know that your period is late.

What is the best way to collect unemployment when let go for being late?

I was late 2 x's and they fired me. I have been working for an ambulance co. transporting patients and got hurt. they wouldn't let me go out on disability but put me on light duty. My knee was injured and have a great deal of pain with it and it was hard to drive but had no way of getting to the job unless I drove. I was late twice and they let me go. Help!

What is the best way to collect unemployment when let go for being late?ballet

first - see a worker's compensation lawyer - if you were injured on the job, you should be eligible for compensation.

Then, file for unemployement - tell the truth - that you were late because you were in pain due to the injury that you received on the job. They will deny, and then you appeal. Whenther you succeed or not depends upon the person who is reviewing your case.

Good luck!

What is the best way to collect unemployment when let go for being late?globe theater opera theater

What is the best way to collect unemployment when let go for being late?

Wait the requisite 6 weeks required for cause.
Don't collect unemployment benefits. Get back out there and get a better job. Don't think that the world owes you a doesn't. You do.
You need to go see an attorney that specializes in personal injury cases. Your work knew you got hurt on the job and you have a right to go out on disability if your doctor says you need to. They put you on light duty but know you are now a liability to them. They don't want you out on disability because it costs them. What they did is illegal and you need to pursue this legally with an attorney. It won't cost you anything upfront. He will file a personal injury claim with their Workman's Comp Insurance Co and depending on how bad the injury was he can pursue to seek a partial disability, which means you suffered a permanent injury to an area - in other words - it won't be the same. He can also try to get your job back for wrongful termination based on the fact that you had an injury that you sustained while on the job. Honestly, I wouldnt want to work for them if that is how they operate but I would definitely sue them!!

I want to chat with this guy but he online goes on very late?

I kind of like this guy, but we dont go to the same school, we mostly talk on msn. I love chatting with him, but his parents dont even let him go on msn on weekdays. So he sneeks on really late and he goes on from 12am-3to4am and so if i want to chat with him i have to stay up late too. But im getting really tired at school these days, lik in class i can barely open my eyes from the tiredness. If i start sleeping regularly i'll only be able to talk to him on weekends. =( so what do i do? to make myself more awake, or sleep normally even when i chat with him. Ya and he calls me at like 1am and we talk for like 2hrs. but i cant call him because i dont know... his sister blackmails him and his parents dont let him hang with all his friends. what can i do? I ONLY GET 2 FREAKIN HOURS TO SLEEP A DAY NOW TOO....

I want to chat with this guy but he online goes on very late?sheet music

I think you should concentrate more on school and getting your rest. Talk to him on the weekends instead. Better than being tired and fail your classes.

I want to chat with this guy but he online goes on very late?state theatre opera theater

Over a guy? Get some sleep geez.!
Well if u want to chat with him that bad, stay up! Thats al I can say!
Get to sleep! If you "know" him only online, you don't know him. There is something called the "telephone" if you're really serious.
how do u know if he aint 50 fat bald and married?
ZZZZZZZZZZ, Time to go to sleep as u know

u gotta get up early the next morning and go

to school.

HI , I have a 29 day cycle but my period is 8 days late.?

My cycle has always been 29days and on time, very rarely i have been a day late. I am 8 days late ,very bloated and getting mild cramps here and there. My face has broken out alot in the last few weeks and i have been incredibly moody.

I took a hpt today and i am a little unsure of the had a strong negative line showing but i think i saw the positive line in the background and it wasnt showing too clearly making me think i am imagining it...

HI , I have a 29 day cycle but my period is 8 days late.?headache

I think it's iffy. I would wait TWO days and test again, using morning urine. It sounds like you ovulated late this cycle and now either your period is late or you have to wait later to test positive.

Good luck!

HI , I have a 29 day cycle but my period is 8 days late.?paramount theater opera theater

did you set the test down for at least 2 minutes to make it more accurate? wait a couple of more days and take another test if you dont start your period. if it still comes up negative and you havent had your period, get a blood test done...always 100% accurate!
Take another one tomorrow morning first thing.
repeat the test again. I bet its negative
do another test tomorrow with first morning urine................and leave the test is there for the 2 minutes and then check it not b4 ...and not after 10 minutes.good luck
Wait for a day or two and retest. Then if no period go see a doctor and get a blood test.

Do you think it's ok to tell your landlord the reasons why your rent is late? Even if it's

Now, I'm not talking about getting way TOO personal... but just a general idea of what's been going on in your life. Normally I would say this isn't a good idea. But my own rent is late for this month. And my lease says that you can just pay by the end of the month with a $25 late fee. Plus my landlords have seemed like reasonably nice guys, and they keep up the buildings etc. (In other words, they're not heartless slumlords, heheh.)

So at first, I didn't think to tell them my personal reasons why my rent would be late. I thought, "They don't need to know that." But a couple days ago my landlord came by to ask me about it. He wasn't rude, but just sounded like he wanted to know what was going on. I was in my towel so couldn't open the door, and it was a little awkward. So now I have written to them to tell them what's going on, and also let them know that I'm not planning to blow off my rent.

So what I'm asking is...would that just be annoying? Or would they wanna know?

Do you think it's ok to tell your landlord the reasons why your rent is late? Even if it's a bit personal??plays

Since your landlord came by and you stated they seem nice, it seems that your landlord was being genuinely concerned.

(Sometimes when you have paid your rent the landlord's staff can mis-place your check - so I think your landlord just wanted to make sure it was not their error)

As long as you have the money to pay them and you do not foresee having a problem next month, I would not give them detailed personal information.

However, if you feel that this will be an issue in the future (since they like you) I would discuss it at a minimum level level now before next months' rent is due. (If this is the case hand-deliver your late rent check to them).

Some landlords will work with you WHEN they know you are having personal issues (without actually knowing all of your business). But if they feel that you have misguided intentions they will be less likely to believe you.

Remember they are running a business and they are depending on your rent check to pay their bills.

Put yourself in their shoes - how would you want to be treated?

Do you think it's ok to tell your landlord the reasons why your rent is late? Even if it's a bit personal??opera ticket opera theater Report It

Just tell them it IS something personal. If you want to make it up, how about paying next month early?
TMI - just the facts madame. It's late. That's that.
they don't want to know. If they ask, tell them, but don't volunteer any extra info
I am a landlord and I would be happy to know why, everybody has their problems, and money is about 90% of peoples' problems. Go for it. It certainly wouldn't hurt.
If your cool with your landlords, and they ask about it out of courtesy, then yeah, its ok for them to know whats going on if you don't mind telling them. But you already did it, so it doesn't really matter.
get ready to pay, they are in business to make money. They have heard it all.
I'm going to be honest with a landlord..I couldn't care less why your rent is late! I just want to know when I will get my money anything you tell me I will consider to be just an excuse

Excuses are tools of incompetence

Used to build monuments to nothingness

And those that specialize in them

Are seldom good for anything

But Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Just tell him when he can expect his money, assure him that this will not be a habitual thing, and keep it moving!
They want to make sure it's an isolated event and it will pass, tell them, that way when you're looking for you next place and you have to use them as a referal thety don't mention your little lapse in not paying
Only if you feel it's needed to improve any perception that your landlord may have about the situation. Really all you need to do is let them know when you can pay the rent. Usually the proceedures in this situation are allready in place so there is little wiggle room for a manager to excercise initiative.This also depends on where you live.
I've rented ALOT in the past and I can tell you from experience if you don't mind telling them and its a good reason it will certainly look better on your behalf. I know alot of people say they don't want to know, but you said it ALL when you said they weren't slumlords. There are actually landlords who come upon housing as not only a means to turn money but also as a means to help out people such as your self. Thank God for them, Huh? And let me tell you it does NOT say alot for thecold monry grubbing individuals who "just want there money", I can only hope people like that at some point in their lives get a chance to walk in anothers shoes who needed either help or an extension and NOONE gives it to them. (they sort of remind me of SCROOGE hehe)
I use to rent out a house. All I ever ask was just to let me know what was going on. Most Landlords will work with you. We just want to kept informed, just say it is of a personnal matter. He will understand.
Believe me, if you are paying late every month and paying the extra $25, your landlord could care less. The reason he probably came by was to ensure it was not due to something in the unit not working properly and he probably didn't want to see moving boxes either!

Basically, taking your landlords time with stories is bothersome unless your landlords are the busybody gossip type.

You could just say that due to personal reasons, you had to spend the money elsewhere, yet understand that you now must pay an extra $25 and are ready to do that. Since you are willing to do that, the landlord could stand to make an extra $300 per year on late fees, which only helps him as that's a higher rate of return than would be a month of interest if you paid on time.
If you have never been late with the rent before then try then tell your story of why you couldn't pay. Maybe they'll waive the fee. It doesn't hurt.

If anything, I'll just be honest with the landlord. If you're going to be late, call before the due date and inform the landlord. Otherwise, the landlord think you are shrinking your duties to pay.

good luck
As a landlord, I agree with most posters here - the reason behind your late payment doesn't matter.

Make up for it by not being late again for a long while (or ever if possible!), or maybe paying your late rent this month with a card (we get that a lot - while it doesn't waive the late fees, it does help us to know that the renter realized they were late and are sorry - personalizes the situation and makes us feel less evil about the late rent notices!)

Just a thought. Hope it helps! Good luck!
I'm a landlord myself and would appreciate the extra explanation. However, I wouldn't want to know all the dirty details of your life.

What's the most important thing to know however, from a landlords perspective is not WHY it is late, but rather when they can expect payment from you. Assurace of receiving it sooner rather than later is key.

Can i make the people i work for pay me extra for paying me late?

this is the second time this has happened to me. I've only been there with that temp agency for a month.

the temp. agency that i work for did not pay me this Friday i called them Friday morning after i noticed my check had not been direct deposited she said that they did not receive my time card for that week. even though they received the other guys time card and he got his check. well i had fax my time card to them again and now I'm not getting paid until Monday. if i can prove that they got the fax through the confirmation number will they have to pay me anything extra for getting paid late? my bills that i was going to pay Friday after i got off work are now late.or even if i didn't have bills to pay would they have to pay me anything? if they lost the fax that i sent them it should be their fault right?

if i had a bill that was being automatically taken out of my account and it caused my account to overdraw would they have to pay me for that?

well thanks for anyone that answers

Can i make the people i work for pay me extra for paying me late?ms stress

Actually, they have up to 2 wks to pay you without consequences. Your overdrawn fees are your resposibility.

Can i make the people i work for pay me extra for paying me late?home theater system opera theater

Hon, me thinks thee needs to seek other employment. No, they do not have to pay you more because they paid you late and they do not have to pay your overdrawn fees, no matter what.
It honestly depends on the wording in your employment contract.

There is no way they are liable for any bank fees you incurred because you have an automatic deposit. Liability for damages normally ends with direct action/reaction by the party. In other words, they didn't set up the direct draft, so they didn't cause the fee.

If you're concerned after reading your hire contract that you are in the right, sit down with them and negotiate in good faith for what you are out. Don't ask for the moon and lose your job! :)
IMO, after the first incident I would have been more wary than to keep working for this establishment anymore. Whilst I doubt that anything can be done regarding the late payment.....your chance to follow it up is also in doubt, inform them the next time this happens,Labor Standards is going to be notified and they can get you your money.(They will do it, by shutting down other money sources for that business which means they will have more than 1 individual on their backside). Your rights are protected first thru labor standards.(They carry a BIG stick)

Should I go to the doctor if my period is late by two or three weeks?

My period is late close to about two or three weeks. I'm really worried because I'm getting some painful cramps and my moods are changing consistently. Should I go to the doctor or just wait for a bit longer?

Should I go to the doctor if my period is late by two or three weeks?binoculars

Do you think you are pregnant?

If you do, get a home pregnancy test. They are very accurate these days. Unless you test too early, then you can get a false negative. But a false posative is very rare.

Should I go to the doctor if my period is late by two or three weeks?violin opera theater

Well if you're younger it takes about 2 years for you're period to adjust to a system monthly! But if it's not that..

I would get a birth ttest first, and THEN go to the doctors after that!
Yes, best to see what is going on.
go right now do not wait.
You may want to go go and see your doctor, he can perform tests to see what is going on, some doctors have a waiting period and can not get you in right away. You knoe your doctors situation better. You could go to the closest ER and be checked, or try doing a pregnancy test at home first and see what the result is before deciding your next course of action.
If sexually active, I would say YES - y ou may be pregnant. If not, then you may just be very irregular. Don't go for just one month, but if it keeps up such irregularity, then yes, you do need to go, because they can help you regulate your periods.
You could just have PMS combined with stress that might have thrown off your regular cycle. Before going to the doctor I'd take a home pregnancy test - they're pretty cheap and you can buy them anywhere. If you can't afford one, go to a Planned Parenthood clinic and you can probably get one for free. Either way, by now a pregnancy test *should* be able to tell you for certain whether or not you are pregnant. And once you know you can stop worrying.
at this stage, it is either that you are missing your period due to stress or whatever (change in diet, ect), or you may be pregnant. take a home pregnancy test to either confirm or rule out possible pregnancy, and go from there. if you are pregnant, you'll have to decide what to do and go from there. if you're not, then just relax. missing a period is usually normal. if you miss more than one in a row, and are not pregnant, then see your doctor. but just one period? no big deal.

Very bold clear pos with an opk, but im 4days late?

it really dosent make any since to me.. i keep getting neg and very very faint pos on hpts, but i took an opk today and it was an extrealy dark line in the test window and it came up imm. im 4days late for my period,and i had some light spotting yesterday and today ,but it hasnt gone any further than that. it comes and goes.. what could this mean?

Very bold clear pos with an opk, but im 4days late?performing arts center

I took an OPK as an HPT and it was a super bold line because I was pregnant!! Take another HPT. Make sure you use a good name brand. I like the First Response Early HPT. I had spotting early in pregnancy also. Any positive on HPT is a positive!


Very bold clear pos with an opk, but im 4days late?sunshine opera theater

You've already gotten positive pregnancy tests - go to the doctor for confirmation and stop filling up these Yahoo answer boards!

Turbo Tax unable to accept returns at this time???? Does this make me late?

I have been trying to file since 9:00PM CST and keep getting the following message: %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

The Intuit Electronic Filing Center is experiencing unusually heavy demand and is unable to accept returns at this time. It's not necessary to contact Customer Service or technical Support. Instead, please try to file you return again later. The best time to file electronically is usually between 4:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Pacific time. We apologize for the inconvenience. %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

I have all ready charged the $16.95 to my visa, but if they do not let me file until 4:00 AM PST won't my return be late?

Turbo Tax unable to accept returns at this time???? Does this make me late?opera score

I received this e-mail at 3pm pacific time today (4/18/07)

Dear CalCPA member:

Taxpayers or tax professionals who were unable to e-file their tax returns Tuesday using Intuit Inc. software products have until midnight Thursday, April 19, to file their returns, the IRS announced Wednesday. And the IRS will not apply late filing penalties to taxpayers who were affected by this problem.

According to the IRS, potentially up to several hundred thousand last-minute tax filers were affected by company server problems on Tuesday evening, and they or their accountants may have been unable to electronically file returns.

Intuit confirmed that those problems have been resolved, and was successfully accepting e-file returns Wednesday. The company said affected taxpayers and tax professionals include those using “TurboTax,” “ProSeries,” “Lacerte” and Intuit’s Free File offering,“TurboTax Freedom.”

Turbo Tax unable to accept returns at this time???? Does this make me late?musicals opera theater

if uncle sugar owes you a return April 15 is a point of irrelevance. they don't really care how long they keep your money. It's just more interest for them. If you owe uncle sugar more this is a different story.
Yes, your return will be late. About the only option I can think of is to mail your returns at a post office that is open until midnight. You can try to recover your $16.95 later, or you can write it off on next year's tax returns.
Yes, it'll be late. If you don't owe, there won't be any penalty. If you owe, there will be but it won't be much.

Such are the perils of waiting until the last minute.
Yes, you'll be late. If you're getting a refund it's no big deal. If you owe you'll be stuck with late filing penalties. One more reason to not wait until the last minute to file.

Even if they are able to accept and transmit your return you'll STILL be late as the date and time that the IRS accepts your return is the filing date and time, NOT the time that it's transmitted though the processor. It takes about 24 hours for the IRS to accept or reject a return so one filed in the waning hours of the deadline will usually be late as far as the IRS is concerned.
Intuit is telling their TurboTax customers to efile. The IRS will consider those affected by the TT server slowdown as having filed on time.

How can I get a recent (4/2007) 30 day late payment (from Nissan) off of my credit report?

I need help getting a 30 day late from my credit report. It was made in April this year, and I have called Nissan twice now asking htem to remvoe it, and I have disputed on-line 5 times. I am tempted to write a letter to who ever is in charge at Nissan!

How can I get a recent (4/2007) 30 day late payment (from Nissan) off of my credit report?greek theater

You will need to contact Nissan, ask for a supervisor, then ask for a manager, and escalate your concern. Be persistent, but polite. If you can find someone willing to remove it, request a letter on company letterhead, and forward the letter to the 3 credit reporting agencies.

Another tip - call the credit bureaus directly and dispute over the phone. Ask the representative for the fax number where you can submit the letter from Nissan.

How can I get a recent (4/2007) 30 day late payment (from Nissan) off of my credit report?performing arts show opera theater

If you were actually 30 days late, you're not going to get it removed. It's part of your credit history. The fact that you eventually paid it does not get it removed.
If you've actually disputed it 5 times you should know by now Nissan has verified it and nothing is going to help remove it.

You were with it.
The only people that can get something removed off a credit report are the ones that reported or the credit reporting bureau if your dispute is valid and there is proof.

Ask the creditor and they might just do it. If they dont, you could dispute it but they will just validate and it will show up again.

There really is nothing you can do.

Good Luck
Once something appears on your credit report it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to have it removed. Even if they say they are removing it. I would contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint against them. That would probably light a fire under them much faster than just calling and complaining!!! Good luck!!! :)
If the 30 day late payment was an incorrect entry then you approach Nissan to have it removed if no joy Office of fair trading whom will investigate them on your behalf. If it was a correct entry and you are guilty of a 30 day late payment you will not be able to remove it and it shall remain on your history for a minimum of 6 years from the date it was cleared. If it was only one payment you missed I would not lose too much sleep over it the more time that passes the more insignificant it will be to those accessing your credit history.
if u were late then u can't do anything about it.. Now if u paid on time and it still said late, then keep calling or go down there
I had a similar situation and took care of it myself with a credit repair kit I learned of here on Yahoo Answers. I got it at

It was less than $20 and helped to get my credit squared away.

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