Thursday, December 10, 2009

How do I start my marine biology career so late out of college?

I have a degree in Marine Biology. I graduated in 2004 from a great school but due to personal reasons, I had to put off my career in this field. I have not lost the passion for this and things in my life are getting to the point where I could finally begin to pursue my career. What can do so late out of college to begin? I feel like it's been too long since I've been in school, in labs, etc. Is there any hope?

How do I start my marine biology career so late out of college?lyric opera

You'll probably need to get an internship to get your start back into this career field. And of course there is hope! I also put my degree off, and evenutally got back into it. I was honest with my employer. Just tell them you are passionate about marine biology, but had to deal with some personal things for the past couple of years. They'll understand. Take care.

How do I start my marine biology career so late out of college?imax theater opera theater

try to apply for for the job as a marine biologist or any related job and visit any marine sites where you will become familiar in that environment and try to talk to the people on that field and any senior staff this will cultivate your interest and renew your passion


What are some reasons why your period might be late?

I know the obvious one, but no I dont have sex. so thats not an option. It annoys me how my periods come %26amp; go. %26amp; I think because I stress over it I put it off for ever longer... I start imagining things like that I got druged %26amp; raped or something ( I know its extreme) but I dont really have a full on aspect of what sex is ( ive never had it). I guess I would know if I got raped right? but getting pregnant is one of my biggest fears ( im 17) which is probably why I dont sleep with anybody ( not yet)/.

Am I crazy? what are some ways I could stop my self from worrying.

by the way last time I was worried like that my period was almost a month late...

but i KNOW im not pregnant, so why do I still worry? I mean its not like I get drunk off my face %26amp; dont remeber what happened that night, Im always aware of everything im doing, so why am I stresssing over this, help/

What are some reasons why your period might be late?opera house

Sounds like you have a bit of an anxiety issue. Has anyone close to you gotten pregnant or has something bad happened to someone you know or care about? But things that can affect your period are of course stress, exercise and dieting as well as too much weight gain. It sound like you should talk to a counselor about your anxieties . Plus i think its great that you dont feel the need to have sex and are afraid to get pregnant . You are young you have so much to do with your life first :-)

What are some reasons why your period might be late?dream theater opera theater

Stress, change of eating habits, extreme weight gain/loss... If you're still a teen, then maybe your cycle just hasn't worked itself out yet. Don't fret. It will come soon.
The worry your describing can be a cause. The above answer is correct also. Irregularity is not abnormal. Talk to your doctor about medication to regulate your periods.
GUILT! IT's our own internal barometer. If you are obsessing like this over getting so drunk that you may be raped you are partying too too too hard! Take it down a few notches, you don't have to get that carried away with yourself to have fun. Slow down, surround yourself with people you know and trust, not every loser that drags into the house.

Also you should check with a counselor to make sure you don't have some obsessive compulsive traits, the over-obsessing about what isn't a likely possibility could be a chemical imbalance and that could cause your periods to be a mess. Mine always were, even at 30 they are barely consistent.
stress is the biggest thing that can cause late periods. also, if you have a history of illness, then that can cause it too. other than that periods arent always at the same time. they may arrive later or earlier than anticipated. hope this helps
,i think u should try %26amp; stop stressing out so much,%26amp; that stress is the cause.Congrats on your abstaining,hard to find good girls like yourself in these times.Keep the faith %26amp; GODBLESS U %26amp; Yours with Peace,Happiness %26amp; Love!
The most common reason is stress. About 3 years ago the same happened to me, (I was sort of thrilled). But after several months of not seeing it, I figured I ought to go check it out. I didn't need pills or anything and its back to normal now. Im sure you're ok.
Stress is a very larger factor for that and you seem to be stressing a lot over this issue, so relax

Has anyone ever taken a pregnancy test due to being one day late for their period and got a negative

And then waited a few days later and got a positive result?

I am one day late and my pregnancy test came back negative.

I wanted to know if anyone has had this happen and then ended-up still not getting their period and took another test and it came back positive... Is this possible?

Has anyone ever taken a pregnancy test due to being one day late for their period and got a negative result?'s very possible! It happened to me!

Has anyone ever taken a pregnancy test due to being one day late for their period and got a negative result?amc theatre opera theater

I have taken a test a few days before my period and got a neg.then took one the day of my period and was positive but I was pregnant!!Easy to get a false reading not so easy to get a positive one Just ask my 5 kids!!
Yes with my son I got 3 false negatives and finally got a correct positive at 8 weeks.
a negative is a maybe.

a positive is a for sure.
I do not know of any at home pregnancy test that will give you a positive result after one day. It even say so on most boxes. You need to wait a few days before you will get a postive result. I think it is about 5 days
I was 6 weeks late for my period before a test came back positive.
Yep. With my youngest son, Zac, I took test after test after test with him. They were all negative but I was SURE I was pregnant. I went to the doctor and sure enough, I was pregnant. I had a couple of tests left from before I found out I was pregnant and I took one on a whim and still at 25wks, after I had my ultrasound and several doctors appointments, that darn test STILL said I wasnt pregnant. I dont know if it was just the brand or if I mananged to find the defective tests or what but, my husband and I got a good giggle over me 'not' being pregnant when we could see him kicking me :)
Well I believe it's possible don't think negative
i had a blood test come back negative at 3 weeks preg and a pee come back positive at 3 weeks 4 days im due anyday now!!!!

If I withdraw from one class, and take a late start class to fulfill my full time status, will it af

I am currently getting A's in all of my classes except my geometry class. I am on the verge of failing it this semester. And I was thinking of dropping it and receive a "W" on my transcript and hopefully take it next semester but with a BETTER professor that doesn't rush and have a heavy accent and is bad on instructions. So I am debating to just drop that class and take a "late start" class also known as short term classes that lasts only 8 weeks and you still get to earn some credits. I am currently in 14 units, and if I drop my geometry class, that will bring me to 11 units only. And I would need one more unit to consider myself as full-time student. So I was planning to just take a physical education class to fulfill the full time student status, which will give me 12 units. But I do this, will this affect my financial aid for my next following academic year? How does it work? Or would I need to make up the units that I had dropped? Please respond back as soon as possible! Thank!

If I withdraw from one class, and take a late start class to fulfill my full time status, will it affect FAFSAopera mobile

It wouldn't effect FAFSA at all because the FAFSA is just a tool used to determine what financial aid you would be eligible to receive at your school.

As far as your financial aid goes, it could have an effect if you have withdrawn from classes before. Schools have to follow what is called SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress). There are minimal standards set for each school by the federal government, but each school is different in how those standards are applied.

You have Qualitative (where you have to maintain a minimum GPA for your grade level), Quantitative (where you have to complete at least the mimimum percentage of all credit hours for which you are registered), and Maximum Time Frame (the point where you no longer qualify for federal aid because you have exceeded number of hours required for graduation in your program of study, including any transferred hours accepted for credit toward the degree).

If this is the first class you will have withdrawn from then I wouldn't think it would be a problem for the next semester or academic year. But talk to a financial aid officer at your school anyway for more information/guidance as to how SAP is at your school.

Good luck!

If I withdraw from one class, and take a late start class to fulfill my full time status, will it affect FAFSAimax theatre opera theater

As long as you keep full time status it will not effect your aid, keep in mind federal money will only pay for a class twice, so you will need to make sure that you get the "w".

I want to get pregnant,This month my period was 3 weeks late then I started, I have had my period fo

I am trying to get pregnant, last month (August) my period was normal, I usually have it for 5 days from the 7-12 every month. All month long we were working towards getting pregnant, and my period was late in Sept. it didnt show up until the 20th of the month, so we thought I was pregnant. Test came back negative. It is October 4th and I am still on my period, thats 14 days. This has happened more then once to me. It almost seems like my husbands sperm delays my cycle and then when I finally do get it late it last forever, whats wrong with me?

I want to get pregnant,This month my period was 3 weeks late then I started, I have had my period for 2 weeks?opera sheet music

I really hate to say this but you could be having misscarriages. Go and see a doctor.

I want to get pregnant,This month my period was 3 weeks late then I started, I have had my period for 2 weeks?shows opera theater

were you taking birth control before?

look into that... it will happen! keep enjoying the attempts
Thats not good you need to go to the doctor if you don't have insurance go to the emergency room they got to see you Good Luck
I can't really help you with the why. I would check with a doctor maybe you have endometriosis, polyps, pcos, fibroids, it could be many things and they could help you the most. One other reason could be low progesterone. I used to have really unpredictable cycles and heavy periods. Maybe regular, vigorous exercise could help get you onto something of a more regular and lighter period. When I started running my cycles got much better and I am now 1 month pregnant.
Get to the OBGYN and let her/him figure why this is happening,. You should go see them anyway before you try to get pregnant to have a pre pregnancy checkup to make sure there's no pre-existing conditions and to get tested for various things. Maybe you are miscarrying before the levels of hormone are high enough to work with a pregnancy test. Or perhaps its something else, you can't diagnose this alone, so it's best to see what the professionals think. That will give you much more peace of mind than anything anyone here can tell you.
Oh dear - you poor thing!

Definitely go and see your doctor. Having a period for 2 weeks is not normal. I'm not a doctor, but I think you may have possibly been pregnant and perhaps there was something wrong with the foetus itself, or perhaps it didn't attach itself properly to your wall and maybe, sadly enough you may have had a miscarriage.

You didn't say anything about being in any pain, so I'm not sure, although I'm glad you weren't in any pain.

keep going and don't give up. I'm sure you will be blessed with a baby soon. Rather it be healthy then any risks. it's just natures way of saying it wasn't right that time.

Good luck sweetie. x
I dont know what birth control u were on if any, but I was on the depo shot and that happeneds to me also alot. If u wernt on any type of birth control at all in the past 6 mos to a year it could be something wrong. Id get it checked out anyway to make sure. Good luck on having a baby, they sure are blessings.
Everyone's cycle is different and what's normal for some isn't normal for others - try to get your GP's advice on your personal case if possible.

The negative test would suggest there has been no miscarriage.

However, it might be worth noting that stress can change a woman's cycle - and trying to get pregnant can be very stressful - especially when you think you may have succeeded but find out you haven't.

There are various supplements that can help maintain a regular cycle - I've taken Agnus Castus in the past (and I conceived a month after starting) - but I'd recommend you sought some proper medical advice before taking supplements when trying to concieve (Agnus Castus must not be taken during pregnancy!)

Best of luck.
You need to see your doctor about this.

I have endometeriosis. This causes my periods to be irregular, causes me to have longer periods, and causes me to have two periods in a month -- but only some of the time --- along with severe pain.

Your doctor can put you on medication to regulate your periods that still allows you to conceive. Good Luck!!!

I have strabismius and i had my eyes tested late september?

i just turned 14, i have had strabismius ever since i was a baby. i had my eyes tested in late september and was told my left eye was slightly shortsighted and right slightly longsighted but they said they wouldnt normally presribed glasses for that. my right eye turns out. vision in my left seems to be getting worse for long distance. school has just finished for the year and im wondering if i should have them tested before school starts again in february. i will be sitting a science exam next year so ill need to be able to see the board clearly. this sound sreally trivial but plaese tell me what you think. i also get headaches most of the time at the end of the school day.

I have strabismius and i had my eyes tested late september?city opera

I have strabismis as well. I also have different perscriptions for each eye but they can fit you with a pair of glasses for you, i mean I can. Maybe you should get a second opinon, or go back again like you said because my eyes change rapidly.

I am 14. Hope I helped.



I have strabismius and i had my eyes tested late september?performing shows opera theater

Strabismus has a huge impact on academic performance, specifically, reading speed and reading comprehension. People with strabismus have to work harder than other people to remember what is read and may find they have to re-read the text or read slowly to get the meaning from what they are reading. Vision therapy, a program of vision exercises that train the eyes and the brain, is the treatment needed for clear vision and to straighten the eyes. For more information on vision therapy and strabismus go to this web site . There is a doctor referral on this site also so you can find a qualified doctor in your area. To understand what you are missing by having strabismus you can also read an article that was aired on NPR (National Public Radio) called "Sue's First Snowfall". It describes how Sue saw things before she had vision therapy and after she had vision therapy. Google NPR to find the website and put "Sue's First Snowfall" into the search to find the article. I recommend you do a program of vision therapy as soon as you can. It will greatly affect your performance on all tests

Best reasons to tell your supervisor if you are late to work?

What is the best reasons to tell and convince your supervisor if you are late to work without getting any nagging from them.

Best reasons to tell your supervisor if you are late to work?passions soap opera

flat tire.....traffic

Best reasons to tell your supervisor if you are late to work?mr messed up opera theater

Traffic problems
Hemorrhoids are acting up.
apologize once dont go into elaborate discussions or lavish apologies over it and cause undue attention to the fact you were late . If you have an easy answer that is true say it quickly like "traffic" whatever just dont call attention to it. Try not to make it up as your demeanor changes when you lie. Move on quickly to do your work and strive to be ontime and stay late every now and then to show dedication if needed
You have diarrhea.
You know, even if you get nagged and don't like it, the truth is always best.

Try the truth! It will help you grow up. YOU will be better off in the long run!
If they ask, be honest. Ultimately just apologize and try not to make a habit of it. The less said the better though. Because even if you're telling the truth, if it sounds like an excuse then it might as well be one.

Most importantly though, your supervisor is well within his/her rights to 'nag' you for being late. especially if you're late fairly often. punctuality is crucial to a supervisor, because it reflects poorly on them and can really affect your co-workers and the company as well. Think about it from their perspective.
If you was really late for a reason give it. If you were late because you hit the snooze button one too many times that's your own fault. I worked at one job for 7 years and was late once because I forgot to set the alarm, and I told my boss that. I got up called her told her I would be a little late, why, and was 15 mins late. She did not hold it against me because I normally was never late. Another time we had a big rainstorm and the way I went to work was flooded and I had to backtrack and go around another way, I was 5 mins late. And power went off one night and my alarm did not have a battery backup, but the next day I went and bought one so that could never happen again. It is your responsibility to get there on time, if your having problems than get up a little earlier, get your stuff ready for work out before you go to bed, have your lunch already made, clothes laid out, car keys and purse on a table by the door.
apologize and tell him the truth you late for sure he understand

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